Tammy shares tools that empower you to design your own fresh perspective, an action plan for today that will change your tomorrow.  "It's all in how you look at it."

Tough Questions...Clear Answers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

6 Ways to Awaken Vision & Activate Potential

Vision awakens your purpose. Vision activates your potential.

Heard a good word today that confirmed what I know to be true about vision, purpose and action. There are frequent conversations in the world, on the many social networking sites that we are all apart of around vision and the importance of having one. And, I would offer that there is no point in having one if you are not prepared to be in A.C.T.I.O.N toward your potential.

The word action is key in awakening the vision within each of us. It requires the following six elements and when you apply them, you WILL awaken your vision and activate your potential.

Achievement focus - In other words, keep your eye on the prize. If you build your dream on unstable ground, it will crumble. To have stability, you need clarity and to speak what you want from your heart. Focus on achieving that heart's desire, write it down and keep it in front of you.

Curiosity - It seems as we age we lose (or set aside) that bold curiosity that motivated us as children. That curiosity kept our dream alive as we explored and asked questions. Try adding that back into your daily life. Be curious about the things you have always wanted to achieve, accomplish, attain or attract. Even if it is a little uncomfortable, get curious again!

Take responsibility - Perhaps the most difficult for some to acknowledge and the most important to our success and clarity of vision. When we play the victim or blame game for the current status of our life, we shut ourselves off from possibility. To be open to knowing and owning your full potential, take a look at the places you have offed responsibility for life onto someone or something else. Own it, forgive it, let it go.

Inspire - Think for a moment how many people have left an impression on you. Got the picture? Now ask yourself, what would my life be like if I lead that kind of legacy now? When we work to inspire others, we become more focused on our purpose vs. the benefits. It is a new creative element to action that I am happy to inspire in you today. Seek to inspire to receive overflow.

Overcomer Mindset - Consider looking at the box in your path as opportunity to propel you forward vs. something to stop you. To do that means to continually be looking at what is possible. Being an overcomer in action means staying activated for what's next.

Never accept second best- This is the 'who are you giving sanction to' piece. In life we give up our authority to others rather instantaneously, or quickly. It gives the authority of our potential to someone else's control. By not accepting second best, and affirming what "is to be," moves you toward the vision and/or the goal. It means that you are enough and that you have what it takes to get what you want. It means you are in the fullness of YOUR personal power.

Try some action this week. There are great resources all around to support you finding your vision and purpose. And it is important to get activated toward identifying what you really want as you define your vision and activate your potential.

Coaching Questions:
* What one Action Step will you apply this week?
* Who can you pull in for support in honoring your self in action?
* How do you use Bold Curiosity currently?
* Who have you given sanction to in life that may have detoured you from your potential?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

11 Reasons why Gold is a Good Thing

I hope you were able to join Ali Brown for her call "Your 11 Best
No-Cost to Low-Cost Marketing & Business Strategies for 2010!"
She's so generous with her proven methods, and it makes me just
want to soak it all in like a sponge.

During the call, Ali touched on her Millionaire Protege Club
coaching that she offers and shared that she's launching a new
level--the brand new Gold Tier. For those of you who can't
participate at the 5- and 6-figures level of coaching, the Gold
tier is the low-cost solution for solo-preneurs who want to learn
simple strategies to take their business to the next level.

Eager to learn more? Go here.

Here's a sampling of what the Gold tier covers:

1. Social Media - How to Maximize These Free Marketing Tools
Without Wasting Your Days Away

2. Website Must-Haves: 7 Components of an Irresistible Website

3. Grab Their Attention With Your Online and Offline Powerful
Marketing Headlines

4. Ezines, Blogs, and Print Newsletters: New Ways to Use Them to
Build Your Professional Fame

5. Your First VA: A Step-by-Step System to Finding and Working
with Your First Virtual Assistant

6. Online Shopping Cart Basics: Your Simple Guide to E-Commerce

7. In-Person Networking Secrets to Building Your Business with
Personality and Confidence

8. Teleseminars: A Quick and Easy Guide to Hosting Your Own
Cash-Creating Phone Calls

9. Webinars, Podcasting, and Video – Multi-Media Alternatives
that Get Your Brand More Attention

10. Joint Ventures and Affiliate Marketing: Create Passive
Income With Strong Relationships

11. Speaking and Hosting Your Own Events: Behind-the-Scenes

Why pull your hair out creating your own marketing and business
growth strategies when this program is laid out so perfectly for
you and delivered as monthly training calls, Q&A calls,
recordings, transcripts, and many other added benefits.

Ready to jump in now? Here's one more enticement...

BONUS: Be one of the first 50 to join and receive a
complimentary audio: "Ali's Biz Quickies: 25 Easy Tips for Fast
Business Growth!"

I'm seeing GOLD in your future!