While in the midst of preparing for the event in Seattle, Washington, I learned of a fascinating story from one of our corporate sponsors, IRC Print and Design. The owner of the company, Trisha Ferguson and her team have a history in the world of flight that has forever changed the lives people around the world. IRC prints the seat pocket safety cards that are on most major Airlines, including the US Airways Airbus A320 that ditched in the Hudson River on January 17, 2009.

These little cards, (that most of us likely would 'reluctantly' admit that we don't read them on every flight,) are being attributed as one of the key indicators of success for the US Airways crew getting all passengers off that plane. These cards, a little annoyance to many in the pre-flight getty-up, were a single idea by one man who saw a need and filled it. A single thought that turned into not just a thriving business but a life saving tool used around the world.
What I noticed as I watched the faces around the room as that story was shared at the coaches conference was a bit of a pause and then the light bulb effect. You know the one, the type that when we allow it to land in our heart or center of being it takes root and the potential from that point in is limitless. It's when eyes and minds begin to wander, "what single idea do I have that when detonated, can change the world."
The conference on February 5, 2009 in Seattle was much of that type of effect for people. There were nuggets of information and idea sharing that were seeds planted and some took root in the minds and action plans of coaches from around the world. There was an extraordinary energy in the air with all the ideas a flutter, with people prophesying what could be that next world changing thought.
Many of you may have had a similar experience recently. One where you heard an idea and your creativity and heart just took over and from it something marvelous was birthed. Well, if that new ‘thing’ were to detonate, what might the outcome be? Consider these 4-steps to nurturing that new idea into something world changing.
Step 1: Write it down and make it plain. Often we have great ideas that are wrapped in our heads and we never make them plain on paper. When we do that, we open up our creativity with our visual effects of seeing it in black and white.
Step 2: Identify the pieces to the puzzle. What are the components of this new idea that when they come together you will have your Monet on paper. Create your vision with pictures and words to create a feeling that is palpable.
Step 3: Gather your panel of experts. Often we work in silo’s of isolation that can hinder our creativity. Bring together your own executive panel or panel of experts to support you, encourage you, brainstorm and create with you what you want to manifest with your new idea.
Step 4: Affirm that you have what it takes to turn this single idea into something extraordinary. Dr. Albert Bandura study behavior and found that ‘our mind will not let us see what we do not believe we can achieve.’ When we affirm what we are moving toward, we become acition-oriented with our approach. Affirm what you see and be ready to make it so!
What one idea do you have that may change the world?
I invite you to share your success and thoughts with us. A robust conversation always benefits the exploration.
1 comment:
I love what you are saying here, Tammy. Steps 1 and 2 are very important. Write it down! Somehow, for me, it is affirming to just do that in the beginning.
While they are not always ideas that will "change the world," I have found that there is great power in getting them down on paper. Recently I went back through FIVE YEARS of my Morning Pages and found that of ten things I said I wanted to do, I have achieved seven of them!
And step 3 is excellent. Sometimes I keep my ideas to myself because I don't think they are ready to share yet. I can see how that group-think thing could be just what I need to get a concept past the "composting" stage.
Very helpful blog post. Thanks!
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